God or Self Realization — Is it possible in the current world?

God or Self Realization — Is it possible in the current world?

It is very much possible. But not God in terms of anthropomorphic god! But in terms of elevating our consciousness across different spectrum.
Our thought can travel faster and can be instantaneous connect. In fact whatever form or formless we worship or pray, it is our thought that connects, words and sounds and text are like ladders to help again create the thought. So first thing in Raja Yoga (Yoga of the mind) is to not believe that we are in anyway separate from the Lord. And it is very simple - by training our mind with openness and alertness. It is also important not to attach ourselves with any particular form for longer time. Form will lead to formlessness, and formlessness to being and becoming and further to 'shunya' or 'nothingness'. Our attachment to forms, and rituals can act as burden for our progress, and moving with Time. Apologies for giving an example in the Hindu context, but it is an instance that comes to mind immediately. There were many Ram bhakt from Ramayan era, who couldn’t accept Krishna because they were attached to Rama’s form. Similarly in Krishna’s time. The ‘gopis’ (lovers of Krishna) were madly in love with Krishna. But Krishna too had to ask Uddhava to help the Gopis to forget him!
So my belief is if we can see the sookshma principle of Lord everywhere, and help grow from there to beyond that, then we are on the path. It is Lord’s duty to help us, but we have the duty of sadhak and try our best in spirituality too!
I mention Raja Yoga, but the modern terminology for this is practice I believe is mindfulness. Mindfulness practice helps shape our thoughts and gives us a framework to grow at each stage. The basic tool here is our own thinking process. At the same time, thinking can and should help us evolve to a ‘feeling’ which is required to make the process more joyful. A mindful practice without a joyful feeling can only become a mental jugglery, and without proper guide can probably lead to delusions as well. In my experience, I found Heartfulness a better way to adopt in the modern world, without letting go of any of our current beliefs (if we have) and have a rational, scientific approach in this adventure.


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